

Sustainable production while maintaining profitability is a big challenge in poultry industry. Poultry immunity, health, and production are the major factors that challenge the future of this industry. Over the years, demand for organic and natural poultry products has increased as these products are safer and more wholesome. Prebiotics, Probiotics, Phytogenic, Enzymes and organically derived amino acids and other supplements are approved by USDA for organic poultry production.
Beneficial microorganisms play a significant role in maintaining a balanced gut microbiome and a healthy immune system. The performance of birds is influenced right from day one of chick when the development of gut microbiome is initiated. Our R&D partner has a dedicated team of microbiologists who have screened a vast collection of native strains with probiotic properties and its role in improving livestock productivity. We have focussed our effort to improve gut microbiome through understanding and optimizing microbial load in the products until it reaches its target site. We maximise probiotic performance in the gut using inhouse encapsulation technology that can withstand processing conditions and other environment in the gut.
We have also developed plant-based products to improve the liver function and boost natural immune system. Our enzymes of microbial origin help to eliminate antinutritional factors, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients to achieve greater Feed Conversion Rate (FCR). We believe that an integrated approach will have a greater impact on eliminating the use of antibiotics

Galdo-Bac SF
Probiotics for Feed

Produces antimicrobial metabolites which selectively wards off pathogens like Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella and Escherichia coli.
Secretes enzymes like protease, amylase and other non-starch polysaccharide enzymes ( N S P E ) promoting feed digestibility and nutrient absorption.
Reduces the availability of nutrients for pathogens in hindgut.
500g/ton of feed or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist.
A thermally resilient spore-forming Bacillus spp. with probiotic attributes tailor-made for use in feed pelletization.
This remarkable product enhances the well-being of your flocks by significantly improving their feed conversion rate, overall performance and

•Gut health improvement and superior thermostability in gut and feed pelletization
•Enhances bodyweight and liveability with reduced feed intake ratio and FCR
•Overall reduction in feed cost and poultry production cost
•Improves immunity and stress tolerance
•Litter quality improvement, hence reduced fly menace

Galdo-Bac NS
Probiotics for Water

Water soluble form for efficient administration of probiotics; simplified feeding time and labour.
Crafted with Spore Mimic technology to offer controlled release, high viability and stability in adverse water conditions.
Offers uniform, consistent and reliable dosage of probiotic strains
20g/1000 L of water or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
Galdo-Bac NS is a water probiotic mix developed by unique Spore Mimic technology. It features a synergistic blend of premium microencapsulated Bacillus spp. Pediococcus sp., Enterococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. probiotic strains in water-soluble form. The multi strain consortia excels for their ability to promote optimal gut homeostasis, resilient immunity and stress-resistance in poultry

Stress resilience by enhancing immunity and by strengthening gut microbiota
Reduces environmental footprints and keeps a lesser impact on feed cost
Body weight gain by providing gut microbiome harmony and by organic acid production
Reduced morbidity and mortality rate, FCR with better litter quality

Galdo-Bac NSF
Probiotics for Mash feed

Unique blend of multi-strain formulation with multiple benefits.
Designed with Spore Mimic technology to improve stress tolerance and better bioavailability.
Controlled release of strains at targeted sites.
500g/ton of feed or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
Galdo-Bac NSF is an innovative formulation developed by unique Spore Mimic technology. It constitutes a consortium of Bacillus sp. Pediococcus sp., Enterococcus sp. and Lactobacillus spp. This special product is meticulously crafted to enhance digestion,nutrient absorption and overall well-being of the poultry birds.

Promote optimal gut health in livestock and poultry
Better nutrient utilization and feed conversion rates
Robust immune system, reducing the risk of infections and promoting overall
Facilitates adaptation to dietary changes, environmental fluctuations and transportation
Uniform growth, increased weight gain and enhanced production efficiency
Reduced feed/egg ratio, excelled egg production and shell thickness

Galdo-Bac Plus
Extra boost probiotics for pellet feed

Multibacterial formulation with multiple benefits.
Spore Mimic technology offers thermostability and controlled release.
Better bioefficacy in low dose.
250g/ton of feed for broilers, layers and breeders or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
A multibacterial probiotic formulation designed with Spore Mimic technology to withstand the thermal stress during feed pelletization at the same with improved bioavailability.
The thermal shielding with multiprobiotic attributes makes this product unique for improved poultry performance in lower dose. This booster product enhances the well-being of flocks by significantly improving their feed conversion rate, overall performance and productivity.

Gut health improvement and superior thermostability
Enhanced Growth indices Feed economics
Improves immunity and stress tolerance
Litter quality

Unique hydrating gel for day old Chicks

Absorbs water and forms gel within 2-3 minutes.
Enriched with electrolytes and vitamins.
Loaded with beneficial probiotic bacteria.
Forms soft and discrete particulate gel on contact with water.
Hydrogel is stable for 48 hours.
100% biodegradable
100g in 2.5 L of water for 2500 day-old chicks or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
Galdo–ChicGel is a specialized nourishing solution designed to provide essential hydration and support for newly hatched chicks during their critical early stages. Formulated with care, this hydrogel formulation provides quick hydration, energy, early gut protection and development in day-old chicks for a healthy start.

No hypothermic shocks due to wetting of feathers
Good and uniform start of the flock and better life performance
Encourages early feeding behavior
Pre – starter for day old chick to overcome challenges in initial day
Compatible with all types of probiotics
Reduces mortality rate

Natural Omega-3 fatty acid supplement

Vegan algal nutritious supplement.
Ensured to contain 20 ± 2 % DHA.
Enriched with protein & calcium
3kg/ton of feed for general health
5-10 kg/ton of feed for egg enrichment based on the feed formulation or as suggested by veterinarian / nutritionist
Galdo-DHA powder is a sustainable fermented formulation of omega-3 fatty acid of vegan origin. It is natural, non-GMO, microalgal dry biomass containing DHA, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Galdo-DHA promotes growth and immunity of

Enhances immune competency
Production of healthy functional meat and eggs
Omega 3 enrichment and superior omega 3 and omega 6 ratio
Increases fertility rate
Intact gastro intestinal tract

Herbal liver care

Rejuvenative, stomachic, and hepato- protective .
E x h i b i t s a n t i - m y c o t o x i c , A n t i - hemorrhagic and antihepatotoxic activities
Anti- inflammatory, antidiarrhoeal, immuno stimulant, anti-oxidant and stimulate bile secretion .
Prevent and control gout disease and controls acute and chronic viral hepatitis
250g/ton of feed or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
Galdo-Liv is a pioneering solution designed to support and promote optimal liver health in poultry. Crafted with precision, this unique product aids in maintaining liver function, detoxification and overall well-being
ensuring your flock’s continued vitality and productivity.

Increases egg production and hatchability
Manage fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome
Enhances liver function and regeneration
Improves FCR and body weight gain
Decreases mortality rate

Thermostable Bacterial Phytase

Efficient hydrolysis of the dietary phytate.
Offers flexibility in feed formulation.
Enhance nutritional value of feeds
Increases bioavailability of minerals
Efficacy at lower pH and at pelletization condition
Reduce environmental footprint
100g/ton of feed or as suggested by veterinarian/nutritionist
The newest generation of thermostable phytase is a cutting-edge solution designed to optimize the nutritional value of poultry diet. It unlocks maximum phosphorous and trapped nutrients from plant based raw materials to maximize nutrient availability and utilization

Reduces feed cost by limiting dietary inclusion of inorganic phosphate
Paves way for flexible feed
Increase the absorption of minerals and ensure bone strength and egg quality
High feed conversion rate and
performance of the animals
Minimize the excretion of phytate phosphorus