Plants are constantly under attack from all kinds of pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and insect pests which damage crops. However, the agents that cause disease and infestations have natural enemies which exist naturally in any agricultural system. There are different types of natural enemies: macro-organisms such as insects (predators and parasites) and nematodes and micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. These natural enemies form the basis of biological control: controlled by living organisms. The use of biological controls is playing an ever greater role in the sustainable control of diseases and pests. The mode of action of bio-control agents include Competition, Antibiosis, Mycoparasitism / Hyperparasitism, Lytic enzymes, Hydrogen cyanide, Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Plant growth promotion.
Merits of Biocontrol Agents
Biological control is less costly and cheaper than any other method
Biocontrol agents give protection to the crop throughout the crop period
They do not cause toxicity to the plants
Application of biocontrol agents is safer to the environment and to the person who applies them
They multiply easily in the soil and leave no residual problem
Biocontrol agents not only control the disease but also enhance the root and plant growth by encouraging the beneficial soil microflora
It increases the crop yield as well
Biocontrol agents are very easy to handle and apply to the target site
Biocontrol agent can be combined with bio-fertilizers
Organically chelated mineral/micronutrients are emerging as state-of-the-art technology for delivering selected micro nutrients with maximum bioavailability, tolerability and safety. These are chelated mineral products specifically designed for application on plants. They are rapidly absorbed, translocated and metabolized by plants. Moreover, they are very small molecules and are absorbed and translocated within the plant similar to other small nitrogen containing molecules. All of them are completely soluble in water and consequently are available for absorption by the plants. The leaves of most plants as well as primary cell wall serve as a barrier against the absorption of free metal ions. Organically chelated metals are neutral in charge. They are neither attracted to nor repulsed from negatively charged surfaces of the leaf. Therefore, they freely pass through this barrier.
Salient features
Much lower quantities are necessary compared to inorganic compounds because they are completely assimilated by crops;
Chelates are thus cost effective even though they are a little more expensive -
Chelates are much more easily absorbed by plant roots or leaves because chelates are of organic nature
Chelated nutrients are less reactive to soil conditions and can significantly enhance nutrient uptake and utilization efficiencies
Foliar application of chelated nutrients is often more effective than soil application
Biofertilizers are complex product of live microbial inoculants which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize/mobilize soil phosphorus, release potassium from soil clay minerals, produce plant growth promoting substances, decompose organic material or oxidize sulphur in the soil and stimulate plant tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. Biofertilizers are artificially multiplied cultures of beneficial soil microorganisms that can improve soil fertility and crop productivity. The main sources of biofertilizers are bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).
Biofertilizers offer a new eco-friendly technology which would overcome shortcomings of the conventional chemical based farming. Biofertilizers showed positive influence on both soil sustainability and plant growth. They also guard the plant against some soil-borne diseases. Such microorganisms, in general, consist of diverse naturally occurring microbes whose inoculation to the soil ecosystem advances soil physicochemical properties, soil microbes biodiversity, soil health, plant growth and development and crop productivity.
The agriculturally useful microbial populations cover Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), N₂ fixing bacteria, mycorrhiza, plant disease suppressive beneficial bacteria, stress tolerance endophytes and bio-degrading microbes. Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, phosphorus and potassium solubilising micro-organisms and mycorrhizae are some of the biofertilizers that were found to increase in the soil under no tillage or minimum tillage treatment.
They are made in different formulations viz., carrier based, liquid, powder and granules. They can be applied to the different crops through seed treatment, seedling root dipping, soil application by broadcasting, spot or pit application, foliar spraying, drip irrigation etc., They are comparatively cheaper than the chemical fertilizers. When used as a supplement to the chemical fertilizers, biofertilizers can decrease the dose of chemical fertilizers. It results in reduced cost of fertilization. They help in increasing the crop yield by 10 – 25%. Biofertilizer is an important component of Integrated Nutrient Management and organic farming. These technologies are becoming vital in modern day agricultural practices.
Decomposers contain unique consortia of effective bacterial and fungal cultures meant for biological conversion of agricultural crop residues/organic wastes to a humus-like substance which can enhance physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. It converts organic waste into valuable resources such as plant nutrients, and reduces the C: N ratio to support soil productivity. The complex organic substances are converted into simple substances by the decomposers by secretion of various enzymes through biochemical reactions. Decomposition is an important process because it allows organic material to be recycled in an ecosystem. Addition of these cultures to organic wastes hastens composting process.
Ceresri with its partnered R&D company is pleased to offer custom blend bio fertilizers & nutrients to suit individual customer's needs. These custom blend bio fertilizers are formulated to individual specifications as furnished by customers. This service will benefit customers who require a combination of nutrients to be blended into the biofertilizers for higher crop yield & sustainable agriculture in a cost effective manner. By the precision blending of nutrients as per customers needs, custom blend fertilizers will reduce the impact on the environment.
Soil conditioner is added to soil to improve its overall condition, especially plant growth and health and simultaneously it corrects the soil’s deficiencies in structure and/or nutrients. It helps to improve physical condition of the soil. Soil conditioners add nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen, and beneficial bacteria in the soil. The glue–like materials released by the beneficial bacteria, bind microscopic clay particles into larger, most stable clumps called soil aggregates. These aggregates do not breakdown easily when wet or when the soil is tilled, and they resist compaction. Pore size is small within aggregates, enabling them to retain moisture. Spaces between aggregates are larger, thus improving infiltration, drainage and aeration. Such soil is said to have good structure. Roots develop better in a well structured soil. In short, soil conditioners improve nutrient supplying power of the soil, soil structure and moisture holding capacity.
Salient features
Increased water-holding capacity
Reduced compaction and hardpan conditions
Improved soil structure and aeration
Alkali soil reclamation
Increased availability of water to plants
Better root development
Improved tile drainage effectiveness
Better chemical incorporation
Higher yields and quality
Release of “locked” nutrients